
Game consoles that defined an Era

We all know that a gaming pc is the ultimate gaming machine. But if you are short on budget and dont want to deal with building a pc, while also having a high quality gaming experience. Gaming consoles are just the thing you need. And here we have compiled a list of some era defining consoles.

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retro gaming consoles in neon ambience


A very minimalistic budget friendly pc.

Building a personal computer can be challenging even for people with some experience with tech. The reason for that is because it is, yeah it is difficult for the first time that is. There are many guides on the internet showing you how to build a pc easily and efficiently without wasting much time or money.

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CPU on motherboard socket


Lets talk about windows 11

Windows 11 was a surprise, after almost 6 years of windows 10. Windows 10 was true saviour after the disaster that was windows 8, so did the windows 11 meet the same expectations? Its hard to say in its early stages. Windows 11 surely looks better then windows 10 and has more customizations but less stable overall.

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A man using windows 11
